In fact, Cho who plays the role of Sulu in the movie has lead credits in the new trailer that has been released with the Bond flick "Quantum of Solace."
Star Trek traces the early years of the original series characters who face a Romulan threat.
The Star Trek franchise has long been noted for its diverse casting and progressive portrayal of different races, women and "aliens" in the future. Although some stereotypes exist, particularly in the earlier series and movies, it was often ahead of the rest of the industry on this issue.

Crew member of the new Star Trek prequel including John Cho as Sulu (second from right). Chris Pine plays Capt. Kirk and Zoƫ Saldana is cast as Lt. Uhura.

The new bridge of the Enterprise. Zachary Quinto, of "Heroes" fame plays Spock.

J.J. Abrams, who recently directed "Cloverfield," was at the helm for the new Trek film.
Hyphen Magazine
New Star Trek Trailer Offers Just a Glimpse of John Cho
Hyphen Magazine, CA -Nov 17, 2008
John Cho takes on the role of Sulu in the new Star Trek, which has has been lauded over the years as a forward-thinking show that had diverse casts ...
Star Trek trailer is released - first contact is a smashing success.Film Threat